41 Citation drive, vaughan, ontario
l4K 2Y8
The Home of Team Ontario Baseball features the following:
- 8 batting cages with new netting and machines
- 2 Live batting cages with mounds
- 2 150-foot long fielding areas
- Pitching lab & new pitching mounds
- 4 Mounds Wide - Mechanical Area - Force Plates - Bands - Weighted Balls - Rapsodo - Slow Motion Cameras - LED Radar Board - Training Aids
- Arm Care/ Arm Strength stations
- New field screens & training equipment
- Team Ontario Players Lounge
- Fully Equipped Weight room and Team Ontario private batting area
- Analytics station
- Rapsosdo certified facility (ability to certify Rapscores to the National Database)
- Player and staff lunch room
- Player locker stalls
- Staff offices
- Class room
- Meeting/Video review room